
Sailability Antigua & Barbuda

‘Sailability offers the people of Antigua and Barbuda with disabilities the opportunity for social interaction and sailing.’ Objective: To offer the people of Antigua and Barbuda regardless of their age, […]

National Sailing Academy

  National Sailing Academy he National Sailing Academy offers the opportunity for Antiguan school children to learn sailing free of charge. In 2010 the Government of Antigua & Barbuda added […]

Team Antigua Island Girls

Team Antigua Island Girls is comprised of Elvira Bell, Christal Clashing, Samara Emmanuel, Kevinia Francis, and Junella King. Collectively, they are four athletes and a skipper. Team Antigua Island Girls have set their sights on being the top female contenders and among the top five overall. They are being put through their paces on the water by the tough taskmaster and coach Eli Fuller, and in the gym by personal trainer Kevinia.