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Some say that there are no Problems in Paradise . This is not quite so. Within the  entire Caribbean, there are over 200 million people living on less than $5 a day.

The Halo Foundation, Inc. is on a mission to improve the conditions, education and well being of the vulnerable in Antigua and Barbuda and across the Caribbean. We are passionate about turning suffering into smiles, pain into perseverance, and hunger into health. We know that … in a world of “selfies “, inward motivation and personal gratification…  it is important to stretch out a hand, to help those who cannot help themselves, to share with those who are struggling for their very survival from day to day.

The world can get better if you play your small part. Help us to make a difference in thousands of lives. Join the Halo commitment now to give as much help as we possibly can to those in need.


“A Caribbean future characterized by citizens who are charitable , caring , concerned and capable”.


“Towards the alleviation of poverty and pain , and in support of education and the arts in Antigua & Barbuda, and in the wider Caribbean”.


In December 2014, Their Excellencies Sir Rodney Williams and Lady Williams founded The Halo Foundation, a non-profit organization managed by a voluntary Board of Directors. One of the main goals of this umbrella charity organization is to bring greater attention to the social welfare needs of the less fortunate citizens of Antigua and Barbuda. The organization provides advocacy and support to 37 local charities under the patronage of the Governor General and spouse, that are dedicated to addressing Youth and Education, Health and Social Welfare, The Environment, Culture and the Arts, and Civic and Community Initiatives.

The Halo Foundation’s message has gained momentum and the organization is proud of the growing success of its community outreach and fundraisers.  The accomplishments of the Halo Foundation in meeting the diverse needs of these various charities, have been driven by the generous financial and product support of several corporations and private sponsors, all to whom Halo is extremely grateful.

There is also a youth arm of the Foundation known as Generation Y, which undertakes to assist all the charities under Halo through the leadership and resourcefulness of its young and dynamic team of volunteers.  One area of particular concern is that of youth at risk, and the eradication of bullying in schools.

Additionally, Halo seeks to come to the aid of those in society who happen not to fall under the “patronage” umbrella, but who have a demonstrated need for assistance. This includes the provision of academic and humanitarian university scholarships, and the encouragement of the arts through school competitions.  The “Halo Hero Humanitarian Award” is a gold medal presented at the primary, secondary and tertiary educational institution levels to students who have made a significant humanitarian impact in their community, having performed selfless acts of kindness or bravery.

In December 2015, Halo enlisted award-winning performer Kathy Sledge as its first celebrity Goodwill Ambassador – to help spread the “Wings of Charity”, and to take the Foundation’s message beyond the shores of Antigua and Barbuda

Board & Committee Members

H.E. Sir Rodney Williams, GCMG, KGN, MBBS (UWI), CAM, CSM Born in Antigua on November 2 1947, Sir Rodney Williams
Her Excellency Lady Williams, FMC, DCL, MSc, Dip.M, MCIM, BA Lady Williams was born in St. John’s, Antigua. She attended
Born in Caracas Venezuela, Maria made her way to Antigua where she has made her home since 1984. While raising
In 2015, Brent Scotland received his undergraduate degree in Business Communication (BA Hons) from the University of Ontario Institute of
Cuthbert Marcellus Forbes Jr., is a devoted volunteer and has worked for the Halo Foundation since 2016. He aspires to
Romancier Edwards, who is an involved member of the Halo Generation Y youth team, has served in middle management positions