
PCOS Retreat Highlights Issues in Women’s Health

A retreat on Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS), organised by the Halo Foundation’s youth arm (Generation Y), was held recently at Government House. The event aimed to illuminate the complexities of […]

A Girl’s Day Out

The ladies of Halo Generation Y — through their big sister initiative— recently hosted the residents of the Sunshine Home For Girls on a social retreat which was held on […]

Luxury Locations and Halo team up

Luxury Locations Antigua teamed up with Halo Generation Y, for yet another year, to help spread joy to families who are less fortunate within our communities. Sam and Nadia Dyson […]

A good deed

#soupkitchen #HaloFoundation #givealittle #changealot #youth

Halo Generation Y Magazine – June 2023 Edition

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Antiguan called to the bar of England and Wales

Antiguan Brent Alexander Scotland was recently called to the bar of England and Wales at the Michaelmas Reception at Gray’s Inn, London. Brent completed a Bachelor of Arts degree (Hons.) […]


Congratulations to Halo Generation Y member Latisha Browne on attaining her postgraduate degree in Forensic Investigation. Onwards and upwards. 

Timely Donation

Members of The Halo Foundation Generation Y (Gen Y) made a contribution of fans to the All Saints Secondary School last Friday morning. The donation was made possible by sponsorship […]

Environmental campaign highlighted at International Residency Program

The Royal Commonwealth Society (RCS) Antigua and Barbuda Branch’s “Lend A Hand To Clean The Land” environmental awareness campaign was highlighted last Saturday during the Commonwealth Youth Exchange on Social […]

Halo youth seminars target development skills

Halo Foundation Generation Y hosted a youth development seminar last Thursday at Government House. It is the first of several to be held between July and September, 2022. The featured […]