Testimonial from Pagget Messiah – Chairman of the Ex-Servicemen Association (center left)
It is with some pleasure and pride, that I write with regards to the charitable organization known as the “Halo Foundation”; that despite the short period of time relative to other such organization on this island, that their contribution to the underprivileged and unfortunate members of this society; notwithstanding has been enormous and extensive.
The foundation simply called “Halo” is credited with delivering in the form of financial grants, scholarships, clothing and food packages. I remember too, Halo’s assistance in fund raising and the sensitizing of the community with respect to the poppy, and the role Caribbean people played in the global conflict of 1918. This record of assistance was the norm before the current hardship occasioned by the pandemic, and even more so now resources allowing.
I can speak authoritatively in the case of the “Ex-Servicemen”, an organization which I am privileged to lead, as a direct recipient of “Halo’s’ tangible care, through it’s financial grants.
It is our fervent hope at the Ex-Servicemen, that the “Foundation”, will be able to continue their service to the needy communities in particular, and the wider society in general.
On behalf of the Ex-Servicemen therefore, we thank and salute you.
Keep up the good work. Chairman ABESA