Testimonial from Mr. Eric Charles (center)
Thanks to Halo Foundation, Always there to help the needy. In the time of my crisis, when I was in need of some help, The Halo Foundation reached out to me. At the time, they came looking for me at my previous address in Cassada Gardens, However, I had relocated to Bathlodge which was a very difficult place for me to work. Nevertheless, I continued to do my work despite the hard working conditions. In the midst of the struggle The Halo Foundation once again gave me a call offering assistance. I happily explained to the foundation the situation of my new location, the type of work I do, my living conditions, and to no surprise help was on the way. I thank God for Lady Williams who realized that regardless of the rather undesirable working conditions and being confined to a wheelchair, I won’t let anything hinder me from carrying on with my daily duties and responsibilities. The Halo Foundation took the initiative of building a nice wheelchair ramp which allows me to navigate between my work and living area and even went the extra mile to install a concrete floor where I can freely ‘spin-a-round’ a 16ft by 4ft table. Thanks to The Halo Foundation, there is no need for me to worry about sun, rain, or even my restriction of movement, I can put all my focus on my work! Words cannot express how grateful I am to the foundation.