Ms. Shenita Rose – recipient of the Halo Hero Humanitarian Award (Tertiary Level) for humanitarian services rendered to the community
In response to a question about what she recalled as her earliest memory, Ms. Rose responded as follows: My earliest memory was when my father left. I was 6 years old. I remember it vividly as if it were yesterday. I cried for many nights and blamed myself thinking I had misbehaved or done something to make him leave. Then I had a tough time in school. I started high school at the age of 10 going on 11 and I got bullied. I was told I was ugly, wasn’t pretty, that I smelled bad cause I was sweaty after walking to and from school. Circumstances that were beyond my control got me bullied. It was a very dark five (5) years for me. Every day was a tormenting experience. I did have days where I laughed and was happy but I also had moments where I wanted to kill myself. I was very shy also and not very talkative.
In spite of these major challenges in her young life, Shenita bravely and courageous defied the odds, developed a love for reading and writing and followed the advice of her teacher. Her English teacher, Ms. Dougan saw the potential in her and pushed her to write and encouraged her to let her fingers speak. All was not lost. Shenita went on to pursue studies at the Antigua State College
In response to the question as to what is your happiest memory. Shenita responded that her happiest memory was her first performance at the Chronixx Show.
She is most proud of the fact that she wrote a song about Bullying which has really been making waves across Antigua and Barbuda, particularly the schools. The song is called Bullying is Real.
Shenita would like to be remembered by her music and her efforts to help others, to bring awareness to the negative impact of bullying and other issues and to eradicate the scourge.
She shares that she has determined that her past does not define her. It does not determine her path. She has learned that mountains are only obstacles that block the view, they can be moved.
If asked for a summary of her life, Shenita will share the following testimony:
I have been through a lot as an individual. Being raised in a single parent home is not easy. I had a lot of struggles to endure but through it all I survived. I wrote my song to encourage those that bully others to realize the pain that they are inflicting on others. It really hurts to be the one on the outside looking in. I also want to encourage anyone who is a victim of bullying to speak up, not to bottle in emotions. To vent in a healthy way, whether it be through music, art, poetry or sports….. do something that occupies your mind. To the onlookers, that see it happening and do nothing… your opinion matters and your voice may just be the one that saves a life. Stand up, SPEAK UP! My hope for the future is to see bullying eradicated in our schools. Children are our future, we have to protect them now!
Shenita is supported by a loving mother whose strength to survive inspires her greatly. She has one brother and four sisters who are all older than she is.
Shenita Rose is presently supporting the Anti-bullying Campaign Initiative being implemented by the Halo Foundation Inc whose Founder and President is Lady Williams. The initiative which is a two-year project was started this year in a number of schools across the island.
Ms. Shenita Rose – to be a recipient of the Halo Hero Humanitarian Award (Tertiary level) for humanitarian services rendered to the community
His Excellency, The Governor General, Sir Rodney Williams KGN, GCMG, KSt.J, MBBS, Grand Master of the Chancery of the Orders and Decorations of Antigua and Barbuda, has been graciously pleased after consultation with the Governor General’s Goodwill Ambassador, Lady Williams FCM, BA, MSc, Dip.M, MCIM and Chancellor, Mrs. Paula Frederick-Hunte GOM, BSc, to present the Governor General’s Personal Honours on Thursday December 20, 2018.