Antigua and Barbuda Sickle Cell Association

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Antigua and Barbuda Sickle Cell Association

About the Organization

The Antigua and Barbuda Sickle Cell Association after being been dormant for some time was reignited by Carla Weatherhead and Bernice Pigott in 2010. The first meeting was held at the Ministry of Health. The Association has been extremely active since. There has been monthly awareness through the media. Thanks to ABS television and radio (DJ Slick), Observe radio and newspaper, ZDK radio.

Assistance for awareness came from American University of Antigua through Health Fairs and Health Walks. The lions and the Glaucoma Foundation assisted the organization in achieving some of its goals.

The Ministry of Health has been paramount in assisting the organization to overcome some of its challenges. The Ministry leased a space at Holberton Rehab United to be used as a Sickle Cell Centre. Phase 0ne (1) of the refurbishing of the building was funded by the Holberton Restoration Committee, and the work was carried out by Central Board of Health and Public Works Department. The building now housed the Sickle Cell Centre which was opened in June, 2012. The Office is functional and accommodates counseling on Tuesdays and Thursday afternoons. The ultiminate goal is to offer patient care for clients in Sickle Cell Crisis.

Outreach Program continues with other non-governmental organizations, schools, clinics and hospital, annual week of activities surrounding World Sickle Cell Day.

The Association has participated in education programs locally, in Guadeloupe CAREST conference in 2011, in St. Lucia COSCA conference in 2012 and hosting the National Sickle Cell Conference in 2013.

Current Functions and Objectives

  • Provide education service programs which will result in educating the general public, clients and their families.
  • Collect, co-ordinate and disseminate medical and scientific data.
  • Raise funds and solicit assistance in order to achieve goals.
  • Management and Maintenance of the Sickle Cell Clinic
  • Provide counseling and educational services
  • To increase membership
  • To continue raising funds for the survival of the organization

Future Functions and Objectives

  • To commence newborn Screening
  • To establish a statistical database.

Mission Statement

To administer high quality care and support, educating clients and their families about Sickle Cell Disorders.

Vision Statement

To be a unique client and family support, an organization operating in a specialized Clinic/Education Centre for clients and families with Sickle Cell Disorders.

Assist clients in receiving total care and their entitlements, understanding Sickle Cell Disorders. Hence achieving the skills to take good care of themselves.

Why donations are important

Donations will primarily be used towards the maintenance and management of the Sickle Cell Clinic, located in the vicinity of the Holberton Hospital (Old Rehab Unit). The Clinic will play an integral role in the Health and Wellness of sickle cell clients by providing specialized individual care, counseling, and other support required for Sickle Cell Disease. This care will also prevent long hours of waiting in the Emergency Department, long stays in hospital, disturbances when clients are in painful crisis.

The staff will be comprised of a doctor, two nurses, a counselor and a secretary. There will be continued education for all categories of staff locally, regionally, and internationally. The Clinic will utilize new equipment, current medicines (analgesics), and complementary methods of pain management (pain patches) to relieve pain which is one of the most frequent symptoms in Sickle Cell Disease.

Clients and their families will acquire skills that would assist them in taking good care of themselves, this will reduce the frequency of painful crisis, improve quality of life, access to special care and swift recovery from painful crisis

What kind of donations are accepted

As donations will primarily be used towards the management and upkeep of the Sickle Cell Clinic, we are happy to accept assistance with the following needs list for the Clinic:

  • Scale
  • Projector
  • Side tables
  • Medical: Diagnostic set, Examination table, Dressing trolley, Infusion pump, Cardiac monitor, Medications
  • Transportation
  • Rehab services (therapies)
  • Vaccines
  • Vocational, occupational and recreational services.
  • Cleaning, landscaping, repairs of the clinic

The Association also hosts regular fundraising events, including a monthly breakfast sale, which is held outside the Central Marketing Corporation building on the first Saturday of each month. We are happy to accept donations of food items/produce/goods that can be used towards the breakfast sale.
The Association’s bi-annual conference will be held on October 17th and 18th 2015. Contributions specific to the hosting of the conference can be confirmed by contacting the Association directly.

Membership and details

The Association’s membership has dwindled over the past few years. Our membership count currently stands at 20 persons.

Of paramount importance to the Association is increasing membership. Because of the lack of active members in the Association, we find that there is a shortfall in productivity. Having adequate manpower on hand is an important component to the success of the Association. As the old adage states: “Many hands make light work.” We need more active members who are willing to commit their time and resources to getting the Association to a place where it can realistically achieve all its goals.

Board Information

The Antigua and Barbuda Sickle Cell Association is a non-profit organization managed by a committee comprised of: A President, two (2) Vice Presidents, a secretary, a treasurer, and two (2) Committee Members.

The current Board Members are as follows:

Mrs. Bernice Pigott, President

Ms. Mitsey Weaver, Vice President

Mrs. Karla Lewis, Treasurer

Mr. Patmore Pamphile, Committee Member

Ms. Tamara Mannix, Public Relations Officer

Communication / contact details
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 201, St. John’s,
Office: 268-562-8476 Mobile: 268-775-2748