Are you passionate about the future of The Commonwealth?
Do you possess the talent of placing thoughts on paper with eloquence and ease?
Then do we have a competition for YOU!
The Royal Commonwealth Society is hosting an essay competition under the theme: ‘One resilient common future:
Transforming our commonwealth.
Who can enter:
Junior category- Born on or after 16th May 2010 (under the age of 14)
Senior category- Born between 16th of May 2005 and 15th of May 2010 (14-18 years of age).
In Antigua and Barbuda, the top prizes are as inspiring as your essays:

Plus, all winning essays will be submitted to The Queen’s Essay Competition 2024 in the UK! 

Entries should be emailed to:
Deadline:15th May 2024.
Don’t miss this chance to make your mark and inspire change! 
Let your words shape the future! #FutureLeaders #EssayCompetition #CommonwealthPride #InspireChange“