The Halo Hero Humanitarian Award seeks to identify students in primary, secondary and tertiary institutions and other young nationals of Antigua and Barbuda, who are deserving of recognition for their exceptional acts of bravery and kindness, and their involvement in humanitarian efforts.
A gold medal, manufactured in the United Kingdom through Worcestershire Medal Services by appointment of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth ll, will be presented to the meritorious recipients. The Award will be bestowed at the primary, secondary, and post-secondary school levels.
To be eligible for this Award, the applicant must be a primary school student (grade 1 – 6), a secondary school student (form 1 – 5), a student currently attending a recognized tertiary institution (university or college) or a young person who has completed their secondary or tertiary education within the past five years. The applicant must be under 30 years old, and must have displayed humanitarian efforts, specifically in relation to acts of bravery and/or kindness. He or she must also present, at the time of applying, three (3) credible references that can attest to the brave and kind acts with which he/she can be accredited.
All sections of this form must be completed.
Forms must be printed, filled out by the applicant and returned to the Halo Foundation, c/o Government House, Independence Avenue, St.John’s, Antigua and Barbuda.
References must be submitted by three (3) different referees, presented in separate envelopes and attached to the application form.
References can be offered by teachers or school officials, friends, religious leaders or any person who can attest to the humanitarian efforts of the applicant. Relatives cannot act as referees
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To print your application form, deadline for receipt of applications is MAY 15, 2020